Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jambu biji obati deman berdarah. Benarkah?

Tahun ini wabah demam berdarah di Indonesia disebut sebagai kejadian luar biasa. Korban meninggal dunia gara-gara penyakit ini terus berjatuhan.

Sebagai pertolongan pertama, masyarakat ramai-ramai membuat jus jambu keluthuk atau jambu biji. Betulkah jus jambu biji dan ramuan herbal berikut ini bisa meringankan penyakit tahunan ini?

Sekitar empat tahun silam, Pingkan Monika, seorang karyawati berusia 29 tahun, curiga dirinya mengalami gejala demam berdarah. Waktu diperiksa, dokter mendiagnosis wanita berdarah Manado ini kena demam berdarah. Hasil tes laboratorium menunjukkan kadar trombositnya turun drastis. "Badan panas dan terasa lemas sekali," ujar ibu satu anak ini. Beruntung, salah seorang kakaknya yang tinggal di Yogyakarta ketika itu mendapat informasi soal jus jambu biji. "Saya waktu itu dirawat selama 5 hari di rumah sakit. Saya tidak ingat berapa gelas jus jambu biji yang diminum. Tetapi, secara berangsur-angsur kadar trombosit saya naik setelah rutin minum jus itu," kisah karyawati di sebuah perusahaan periklanan di Jakarta ini. Berkat jus jambu biji, ia cepat pulih dan dapat segera keluar dari rumah sakit.

Meski tidak sedikit orang yang berhasil terselamatkan dari demam berdarah berkat jus jambu biji, harus diakui bahwa belum ada penelitian yang membuktikan secara ilmiah keampuhan jambu biji dalam mengatasi demam berdarah.

Tertolongnya pasien demam berdarah berkat jambu biji, kata Dr. Handrawan Nadesul, bisa jadi bukan karena jambunya, melainkan cairan jus yang masuk ke tubuh pasien dalam jumlah banyak. Cairan itu, apalagi jika diminum sampai 5 atau 6 gelas sehari, amat dibutuhkan pasien yang kehilangan banyak plasma darah akibat penurunan trombosit.

Maka cairan apa pun, entah air biasa atau air larutan gula dan garam atau jus buah lain bisa membantu proses penyembuhan pasien demam berdarah jika dikonsumsi dalam jumlah banyak. Minuman dalam kemasan kaleng yang mengandung zat elektrolit juga dianjurkan diberikan pada pasien.

Serba Alami untuk Demam Berdarah

Jambu Biji

  • Walaupun khasiatnya belum teruji secara medis, tak ada salahnya untuk memberikan jus jambu biji kepada pasien demam berdarah.

Sebab, buah eksotis ini mengandung vitamin C yang sangat tinggi. Bahkan kandungan vitamin C di dalamnya bisa tiga sampai enam kali lebih tinggi dibanding buah jeruk. Lebih tinggi 10 kali dibandingkan dengan pepaya dan 10 sampai 30 kali dibandingkan dengan pisang.

Vitamin C ini terdapat dalam daging buahnya yang segar. Bijinya yang sering tidak dikonsumsi pun mengandung vitaimin C seperti daging buahnya.

Disebutkan dalam buku Foods that Heal, Foods that Harm bahwa 90 gram buah jambu biji lebih dari cukup memenuhi kebutuhan harian vitamin C pada orang dewasa. Buku itu juga menyebutkan meskipun sudah kehilangan hampir 25 persen vitaminnya karena proses pengolahan, jus jambu biji kemasan kotak masih merupakan sumber vitamin C yang baik.

Berkat kandungan vitamin C dosis tinggi ini, kekebalan tubuh dalam melawan bakteri akan meningkat. Proses penyembuhan luka pun jadi lebih cepat. Di samping itu, tekanan darah juga menjadi lebih baik berkat buah ini. Ini karena jambu biji merupakan sumber potassium yang baik.

Cara pemanfaatan: Pilihlah buah yang baru saja masak dan masih berwarna hijau kekuningan. Bila sudah masak, simpan di lemari es. Jangan lupa dicuci terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuat jus.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Idaho Drug and Alcohol Addiction Problems, Laws and Substance Abuse Issues, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Methamphetamine, marijuana and cocaine continue to be widely available in Idaho. The closeness of Idaho to Canada has allowed the smuggling of clubs drugs, pharmaceutical products and marijuana. Recent seizures along the Canadian border indicate that Canada has now become a major supplier of illicit drug into the American market. The majority of the illicit drug trade is controlled by the Mexicans and Columbians. With a large scale influx of immigrants, there has also been a greater availability of crack cocaine on the steets. The drug trafficking may be on a smaller scale in Idaho, but money laundering has become big business.

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is readily available throughout Idaho. It is predominantly controlled by drug trafficking organizations. The powder cocaine is usually converted to crack before it is sold on the street. It is not a major threat to the entire state and only available in the inner cities. The drug is smuggled in cars, vans and campers, which usually have hidden compartments. The drug is chiefly smuggled in from Texas, California, Chicago and the Southern states. Once on the street, local gangs control the distribution of cocaine. In recent years, the crack trade has been associated with gang related violence, thefts, homicides and prostitution.

Heroin Addiction

Heroin is widely available in Idaho and it is chiefly smuggled in from Mexico. The SE variety of heroin is sometimes also available. Despite the increase in purity and cheap price, heroin abuse has been steady for the past 2 decades. The Mexican black tar heroin is typically smuggled in from California Texas, Florida and NY.

Methamphetamine Addiction

Methamphetamine abuse is increasing in the state of Idaho. Over the past decade, most of the methamphetamine was locally manufactured in clandestine laboratories. However, with the government crackdown on precursor chemicals, this has led to a demise of these laboratories. Drug seizures indicate few of these unsophisticated laboratories today. The majority of the methamphetamine is brought in from Mexico. The majority of methamphetamine is smuggled in via private cars and some is also shipped in via the US parcel services. The drug continues to be lucrative and a number of drug cartels control the trafficking and distribution of this drug in Idaho

Club Drugs

Club drugs continue to be popular among school and college students throughout the state. All types of club drugs are available in most colleges. The most common club drug abused in MDMD, but others such as PCP, GHB, and LSD are fast catching on. A large number of club drugs are smuggled in from Canada, California and New York. These drugs are favorites at night parties and at bars.

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana continues a common drug of abuse in Idaho, it is widely grow both indoors and outdoors. Because of the large forest land, detection of marijuana farms has been difficult for law enforcement. The majority of marijuana is grown on public land and federal forest areas. In addition marijuana is also smuggled in from California and Canada. The majority of marijuana is smuggled in by the cartels. At the street levels, the drug is distributed by the Hispanic migrant workers. The Idaho panhandle area remains a major source of marijuana smuggling and law enforcement seizures indicate that the marijuana trafficking is on the increase.

Prescription Drugs Addiction

In Idaho, prescription drugs are the second most abused drug by youth. The primary methods of diversion of legitimate pharmaceuticals continues to be illegal dispensing and prescribing by physicians, illegal distribution by pharmacists, prescription forgery, doctor shopping, and drug thefts from pharmacies, nursing homes, and hospitals. Pharmacy burglaries are prevalent throughout the state and Diversion Investigators are also encountering pharmaceuticals that have been purchased via the Internet without a doctor's prescription. The abuse and trafficking of oxycodone (OxyContin®, Percocet, Percodan), hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab), methadone, and anabolic steroids continues to be a concern.

Money Laundering

Associated with drug trafficking is money laundering. Cash-intensive businesses, such as restaurants, bars and nightclubs, shipping industry, casinos and tourism have all at some time been exposed to “drug” money. The legislature has endorsed laws to monitor all financial exchanges and banks are required by law to notify authorities of large transfer of money.

To counteract the drug problem DEA Mobile Enforcement Teams have been established in response to the overwhelming problem of drug-related violent crime in towns and cities across the nation. In addition, DEA Regional Enforcement Teams have been developed to augment existing DEA division resources by targeting drug organizations operating in the United States where there is a lack of sufficient local drug law enforcement.

For More Information Visit here

Skincare : Larissa VS Natasha

Nama Natasha mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kalian, karena skin care yang satu ini memang tersebar hampir di seluruh Indonesia. Namun skin care Larissa, saya yakin hanya mereka yang tinggal di Jogja, Solo, Semarang dan sekitarnyalah yang tahu tempat ini.
Pertanyaannya kenapa saya memperbandingkan kedua skin care ini, padahal jelas posisi mereka tidak seimbang karena jumlah cabang Natasha jauh lebih banyak? Ya tentu saja karena di kedua tempat inilah saya pernah melakukan perawatan wajah(curhat gitu lho..).

Jadi, berdasarkan pengalaman saya pribadi menggunakan Natasha dan Larissa berikut hal-hal yang bisa saya simpulkan :
  1. Dari segi perawatan(facial)

    Dilihat dari segi perawatan saya cenderung memihak Larissa. Why? Pertama karena di Larissa tempat perawatan laki-laki dan perempuan dipisah(lebih nyaman gitu kalo mo buka baju,heh?) sedangkan di Natasha jelas dicampur(tapi tidak disuruh buka baju). Dan yang kedua, harga facial maupun perawatan lain di Larissa juga lebih murah dari Natasha. Jadi buat kantong kempis seperti saya Larissa adalah tempat yang paling cocok.yuk.. Plus di Larissa ada perawatan rambut juga, jadi tidak perlu gonta-ganti salon. Tapi kalo soal dokter untuk berkonsultasi, keduanya sam a-sama memiliki dokter yang terpercaya.

  2. Dari segi produk/kosmetik yang dipakai

    Nah, kalo dari segi ini saya sendiri bingung milih yang mana. Baik Larissa maupun Natasha punya kelebihan dan kekurangan yang hampir sama banyaknya. Keunggulan produk Larissa adalah bahan-bahannya yang alami(sehingga tidak menimbulkan efek samping) dan karena bahannya yang alami inilah harga jadi bisa ditekan.

    Sedangkan Natasha bahan yang digunakan adalah bahan kimia, sehingga bagi yang kulitnya sensitive/tidak kuat bisa menimbulkan iritasi. Tapi keunggulan dari produk kimia Natasha adalah proses kesembuhannya yang bisa dibilang cepat. Hal itu pula yang menjadi kelemahan Larissa, proses sembuhnya sedikit memerlukan kesabaran. So, bagi yang tidak sabaran mending pilih Natasha, tapi bagi yang takut terkena efek samping, saya rasa produk Larissa adalah pilihan yang tepat.

    Satu lagi, ini kekurangan dari salah satu produk Natasha maupun Larissa. Untuk Natasha, kalo kita memakai krim paginya lalu krim itu meleleh(misal terkena air sewaktu kita wudhu) dan tidak sengaja terjilat oleh lidah kita, maka rasanya akan sangat pahit(padahal krim Larissa tidak ada rasanya sama sekali).
    Sedangkan untuk Larissa, krim malamnya hanya boleh digunakan selama 2jam(tidak sampai pagi seperti krim malam Natasha), jadi kalo ngantuk kan repot.

  1. Dari segi pelayanan

  2. Pelayanan di kedua skin care ini menurut saya tidak jauh berbeda. Larissa yang lebih kecil terbukti tidak kalah professional dari Natasha. Namun dari segi pendaftaran(entah ini kelebihan atau kekurangan) Natasha lebih tertib. Jika kamu sudah terdaftar di Natasha cabang Surabaya misalnya, kamu tidak boleh mendaftar lagi di Natasha cabang Jogja. Tetapi kamu harus menggunakan nomermu yang kamu daftarkan di cabang Surabaya. Karena kebijakan di Natasha adalah satu member satu nomor. Tidak boleh dobel. Kalo kamu lupa atau kartu anggotamu hilang, N

    atasha Jogja akan menghubungi Natasha Surabaya untuk mencari datamu di arsip mereka. Nah, menunggu data ini ditemukan memerlukan waktu yang tidak sebentar(apalagi jika kamu sudah lama tidak ke Natasha). Kalo sudah begini antrian yang seharusnya cuma 1 jam bisa berubah menjadi 2 jam. Tidak percaya? Saya buktinya..he..

  1. Dari segi tempat

    Dalam hal ini Natasha jelas lebih unggul. Cabangnya banyak sehingga mudah ditemukan dimana-mana. Tapi kalo soal penataan tempat atau bentuk gedung, keduanya sama-sama mewah, bersih dan nyaman. Bikin betahlah pokoknya.

  2. Dari segi harga

  3. Seperti yang telah saya sebutkan tadi, Larissa lebih murah. Buat saya mah cheaper always better!!

Terus apalagi ya? Kayaknya saya sudah sebutkan semua yang saya tahu tentang kedua tempat itu deh. Kalo tentang berapa harga pasti produk maupun perawatan disana saya kurang tahu. Yang jelas untuk facial, di Larissa 50rb, klo di Natasha paling selisih 10rb, mungkin sekitar 60rb. Sedang untuk produk lengkap(satu paket untuk masalah jerawat standar) di Natasha(terakhir saya beli 22 Juni 2007, kemungkinan besar sekarang sudah naik) totalnya 160rb. Kalo di Larissa mungkin kurang dari itu.

Oya, mungkin kalian bingung kok saya bisa memakai dua jenis produk sekaligus, apa tidak menimbulkan masalah? Jadi lebih tepatnya saya tidak memakainya sekaligus. Saya memakai Natasha waktu saya masih SMA, terus pas kuliah, berhubung uang terkuras untuk makan dan bayar kos, saya pindah ke Larissa yang jauh lebih murah. Tapi beberapa waktu yang lalu saya sempat mencoba Natasha lagi(iseng aja ;p), dan ternyata kulit saya malah jadi aneh. Ya sudahlah akhirnya saya putuskan untuk memakai….dum..dum..(suara drum berbunyi) JERUK NIPIS…(kere tenan?emang!)

Sources :

Menghilangkan Acne (Jerawat) Dengan Cepat

Buat kalian yang sudah menempuh berbagai macam cara tapi jerawat tidak mau pergi juga, cara paling efektif untuk mengusir mereka adalah dengan facial. Ya, facial terbukti cukup mujarab untuk menghilangkan jerawat (Acne) dengan cepat. Terutama jika jenis jerawatmu komedo hitam(blackheads) atau komedo putih(whiteheads).

Tapi jangan sekali-kali facial di salon biasa, pengalaman yang pernah saya alami, facial di salon biasa cuma memberimu rasa sakit(waktu jerawat-jerawatmu diambil) dengan hasil yang tidak maksimal. Bahkan kondisi kulitmu malah bisa lebih buruk karena alat-alat yang mereka gunakan terkadang tidak steril dan obat-obatnya juga tidak sesuai dengan jenis kulitmu.

So, saran saya, kalo kalian pengen menghilangkan jerawat dengan menempuh jalan facial, carilah tempat facial yang profesional dan terpercaya. Pastikan di tempat facial tersebut ada dokternya untuk berkonsultasi. Pastikan juga tempat tersebut bersih dan memiliki banyak pengunjung(itu artinya banyak orang yang cocok). Biasanya tempat/salon semacam ini mengkhususkan dirinya di bidang skin care. Beberapa contoh salon skin care yang saya tahu adalah Natasha, Larissa(hanya ada di Jogja, Solo dan Semarang) serta London Beauty Center.

Memang sih harga perawatan di tempat-tempat tersebut tidak semurah di salon-salon biasa. Tapi apa kalian mau bayarnya murah tapi tidak ada hasil atau bahkan membuat kulit jadi semakin rusak? Klo kalian memang tidak mau membayar mahal atau tidak punya anggaran untuk perawatan ke salon khusus skin care, lebih baik jangan pernah melakukan facial sama sekali. Toh facial kan ditujukan bagi mereka yang ingin cara cepat menghilangkan jerawat. Cara alami yang murah pun banyak yang terbukti cukup ampuh menghilangkan jerawat. Tapi ya itu, jika kalian ingin menempuh cara alami, lakukanlah dengan sabar dan telaten. Jangan pernah menyerah menghilangkan jerawat. Ayo semangat!!!


Approximately 500,000 men request vasectomies each year and it is recognized that 5% of them will change their minds, usually due to remarriage, death of a child or improved circumstances allowing for more children. Over the past 20 years, the surgical technique of vasovasostomy provided excellent results, permitting a man to re-establish his fertility.
The surgery is performed on an outpatient basis with over 99% success for those men who have sperm at the time of surgery.

Within the aspect of medicine or life, good judgment is based on experience and experience is based on poor judgment. Therefore, you, as the patient, look to find the physician with the greatest experience and most skill in performing these operations. Multiple outcome studies have shown that the single most important factor in success of a vasectomy reversal is the skill and experience of the microsurgeon. This is where the Center for Male Reproductive Medicine can help. We have been in existence for 30 plus years and were original pioneers in microsurgical vasectomy reversal in the 1970’s. Dr. Rothman has been considered by many as one of the “fathers of urological microsurgery”. Dr. Werthman, after completing his microsurgical fellowship training was hand picked and trained by Dr. Rothman to carry on his practice and pass on his microsurgical skills, techniques and experience. Dr. Werthman has refined many of the procedures over the years and expanded the practice as well. Dr. Werthman has performed over 3000 microsurgical cases and now holds the distinction of helping a man father a child 57 years after his vasectomy (vasectomy performed in 1945 and child born in 2002). Unlike many of the reversal clinics that are now popping up and advertising all over, we have been here since the beginning and you can be assured of our experience.

For those couples experiencing infertility due to a man's vasectomy, there are the alternatives of T.D.I. (therapeutic donor insemination) or IVF/ICSI (in-vitro fertilization with intracytoplasmic sperm injection), but restoration of a man's fertility by reconnecting the tubes at the site of the previous vasectomy appears to provide couples with the most optimal and least expensive option for building a family.

>click on image for
a larger view

Figure 2.1

Figure 2.2

Figure 2.3

How is Vasectomy Reversal Performed?

With the patient under anesthesia, a 1-2 inch incision is made in the scrotal skin over the old vasectomy site. The two ends of the vas deferens are found and freed from the surrounding scar tissue. A drop of fluid from the testicular end of the vas is placed on a glass slide and examined using a light microscope. This is a crucial part of the operation because the information obtained is used to decide what type of microsurgical reconstruction needs to be performed. Since the testicle continues to produce sperm after a vasectomy, the fluid in the vas should contain sperm. There are 3 possible scenarios that may be encountered when examining the vasal fluid. The first and best scenario is that the vasal fluid contains whole sperm. The second possible finding is that the fluid is thin and copious and contains only sperm parts or no sperm. The third is that the fluid is thick, pasty and contains no sperm. This last scenario usually means that a "blow out" or rupture has occurred in the epididymis. Sperm leak out if the pressure in the tubule becomes greater than the resistance in the wall of the tubule, similar to the way a pipe breaks in the basement when the water pressure gets too high. The body tries to heal this tubule and a scar forms. This causes a second blockage in the epididymis, which needs to be bypassed to allow the sperm to get out into the vas. If this second blockage is present and is not recognized then the operation is doomed to failure.

Micro Surgical Vasovasostomy

If the vasal fluid contains sperm then the two ends of the vas deferens can be sewn together. This procedure is known as a vasovasostomy. The associated pictures were taken through the operating microscope during a vasovasostomy performed by Dr. Werthman. An artist drawing is depicted to the right for illustration purposes. The lumen or channel inside the vas deferens through which the sperm swim is only 0.2 to 0.3 millimeters in diameter (about the size of a pen dot). An operating microscope is used to magnify the operating field up to 16 times. The vas can then be better visualized and the sutures can be precisely placed. You can now easily understand that without the use of the microscope this operation would be very difficult, if not impossible to perform successfully. All studies have demonstrated that microsurgical vasectomy reversal is more successful than those procedures performed without the microscope or with loupes (magnifying glasses worn by the surgeon).

The technique we prefer is a two or three-layered closure using 10-0 and 9-0 suture (half the thickness of a human hair). We place 6-8 interrupted sutures in the mucosa or inner layer of the vas to ensure that the repair is water-tight (figure 2). This is very important because one reason that vasectomy reversals fail is that sperm leak out from the vas at the surgical site and cause inflammation and a new blockage. The muscular layer of the vas is then re-approximated adding strength to the repair (figure 3). The surrounding connective tissue is also brought together as a third layer to take any tension off of the repair site. The skin incision is then closed.


Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer in which malignant (cancerous) cells are found in the mesothelium, a protective sac that covers most of the body's internal organs. Most people who develop mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they inhaled asbestos particles.

  1. What is the mesothelium?
  2. The mesothelium is a membrane that covers and protects most of the internal organs of the body. It is composed of two layers of cells: One layer immediately surrounds the organ; the other forms a sac around it. The mesothelium produces a lubricating fluid that is released between these layers, allowing moving organs (such as the beating heart and the expanding and contracting lungs) to glide easily against adjacent structures.

    The mesothelium has different names, depending on its location in the body. The peritoneum is the mesothelial tissue that covers most of the organs in the abdominal cavity. The pleura is the membrane that surrounds the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. The pericardium covers and protects the heart. The mesothelial tissue surrounding the male internal reproductive organs is called the tunica vaginalis testis. The tunica serosa uteri covers the internal reproductive organs in women.

  3. What is mesothelioma?
  4. Mesothelioma (cancer of the mesothelium) is a disease in which cells of the mesothelium become abnormal and divide without control or order. They can invade and damage nearby tissues and organs. Cancer cells can also metastasize (spread) from their original site to other parts of the body. Most cases of mesothelioma begin in the pleura or peritoneum.

  5. How common is mesothelioma?
  6. Although reported incidence rates have increased in the past 20 years, mesothelioma is still a relatively rare cancer. About 2,000 new cases of mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age.

  7. What are the risk factors for mesothelioma?
  8. Working with asbestos is the major risk factor for mesothelioma. A history of asbestos exposure at work is reported in about 70 percent to 80 percent of all cases. However, mesothelioma has been reported in some individuals without any known exposure to asbestos.

    Asbestos is the name of a group of minerals that occur naturally as masses of strong, flexible fibers that can be separated into thin threads and woven. Asbestos has been widely used in many industrial products, including cement, brake linings, roof shingles, flooring products, textiles, and insulation. If tiny asbestos particles float in the air, especially during the manufacturing process, they may be inhaled or swallowed, and can cause serious health problems. In addition to mesothelioma, exposure to asbestos increases the risk of lung cancer, asbestosis (a noncancerous, chronic lung ailment), and other cancers, such as those of the larynx and kidney.

    Smoking does not appear to increase the risk of mesothelioma. However, the combination of smoking and asbestos exposure significantly increases a person's risk of developing cancer of the air passageways in the lung.

  9. Who is at increased risk for developing mesothelioma?
  10. Asbestos has been mined and used commercially since the late 1800s. Its use greatly increased during World War II. Since the early 1940s, millions of American workers have been exposed to asbestos dust. Initially, the risks associated with asbestos exposure were not known. However, an increased risk of developing mesothelioma was later found among shipyard workers, people who work in asbestos mines and mills, producers of asbestos products, workers in the heating and construction industries, and other tradespeople. Today, the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) sets limits for acceptable levels of asbestos exposure in the workplace. People who work with asbestos wear personal protective equipment to lower their risk of exposure.

    The risk of asbestos-related disease increases with heavier exposure to asbestos and longer exposure time. However, some individuals with only brief exposures have developed mesothelioma. On the other hand, not all workers who are heavily exposed develop asbestos-related diseases.

    There is some evidence that family members and others living with asbestos workers have an increased risk of developing mesothelioma, and possibly other asbestos-related diseases. This risk may be the result of exposure to asbestos dust brought home on the clothing and hair of asbestos workers. To reduce the chance of exposing family members to asbestos fibers, asbestos workers are usually required to shower and change their clothing before leaving the workplace.

  11. What are the symptoms of mesothelioma?
  12. Symptoms of mesothelioma may not appear until 30 to 50 years after exposure to asbestos. Shortness of breath and pain in the chest due to an accumulation of fluid in the pleura are often symptoms of pleural mesothelioma. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and abdominal pain and swelling due to a buildup of fluid in the abdomen. Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. If the cancer has spread beyond the mesothelium to other parts of the body, symptoms may include pain, trouble swallowing, or swelling of the neck or face.

    These symptoms may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious conditions. It is important to see a doctor about any of these symptoms. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis.

  13. How is mesothelioma diagnosed?
  14. Diagnosing mesothelioma is often difficult, because the symptoms are similar to those of a number of other conditions. Diagnosis begins with a review of the patient's medical history, including any history of asbestos exposure. A complete physical examination may be performed, including x-rays of the chest or abdomen and lung function tests. A CT (or CAT) scan or an MRI may also be useful. A CT scan is a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body created by a computer linked to an x-ray machine. In an MRI, a powerful magnet linked to a computer is used to make detailed pictures of areas inside the body. These pictures are viewed on a monitor and can also be printed.

    A biopsy is needed to confirm a diagnosis of mesothelioma. In a biopsy, a surgeon or a medical oncologist (a doctor who specializes in diagnosing and treating cancer) removes a sample of tissue for examination under a microscope by a pathologist. A biopsy may be done in different ways, depending on where the abnormal area is located. If the cancer is in the chest, the doctor may perform a thoracoscopy. In this procedure, the doctor makes a small cut through the chest wall and puts a thin, lighted tube called a thoracoscope into the chest between two ribs. Thoracoscopy allows the doctor to look inside the chest and obtain tissue samples. If the cancer is in the abdomen, the doctor may perform a peritoneoscopy. To obtain tissue for examination, the doctor makes a small opening in the abdomen and inserts a special instrument called a peritoneoscope into the abdominal cavity. If these procedures do not yield enough tissue, more extensive diagnostic surgery may be necessary.

    If the diagnosis is mesothelioma, the doctor will want to learn the stage (or extent) of the disease. Staging involves more tests in a careful attempt to find out whether the cancer has spread and, if so, to which parts of the body. Knowing the stage of the disease helps the doctor plan treatment.

    Mesothelioma is described as localized if the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated. It is classified as advanced if it has spread beyond the original membrane surface to other parts of the body, such as the lymph nodes, lungs, chest wall, or abdominal organs.

  15. How is mesothelioma treated?
  16. Treatment for mesothelioma depends on the location of the cancer, the stage of the disease, and the patient's age and general health. Standard treatment options include surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. Sometimes, these treatments are combined.

    • Surgery is a common treatment for mesothelioma. The doctor may remove part of the lining of the chest or abdomen and some of the tissue around it. For cancer of the pleura (pleural mesothelioma), a lung may be removed in an operation called a pneumonectomy. Sometimes part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing, is also removed.
    • Radiation therapy, also called radiotherapy, involves the use of high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation therapy affects the cancer cells only in the treated area. The radiation may come from a machine (external radiation) or from putting materials that produce radiation through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found (internal radiation therapy).
    • Chemotherapy is the use of anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. Most drugs used to treat mesothelioma are given by injection into a vein (intravenous, or IV). Doctors are also studying the effectiveness of putting chemotherapy directly into the chest or abdomen (intracavitary chemotherapy).

    To relieve symptoms and control pain, the doctor may use a needle or a thin tube to drain fluid that has built up in the chest or abdomen. The procedure for removing fluid from the chest is called thoracentesis. Removal of fluid from the abdomen is called paracentesis. Drugs may be given through a tube in the chest to prevent more fluid from accumulating. Radiation therapy and surgery may also be helpful in relieving symptoms.

  17. Are new treatments for mesothelioma being studied?
  18. Yes. Because mesothelioma is very hard to control, the National Cancer Institute (NCI) is sponsoring clinical trials (research studies with people) that are designed to find new treatments and better ways to use current treatments. Before any new treatment can be recommended for general use, doctors conduct clinical trials to find out whether the treatment is safe for patients and effective against the disease. Participation in clinical trials is an important treatment option for many patients with mesothelioma.

    People interested in taking part in a clinical trial should talk with their doctor. Information about clinical trials is available from the Cancer Information Service (CIS) (see below) at 1–800–4–CANCER. Information specialists at the CIS use PDQ®, NCI's cancer information database, to identify and provide detailed information about specific ongoing clinical trials. Patients also have the option of searching for clinical trials on their own. The clinical trials page on the NCI's Web site, located at on the Internet, provides general information about clinical trials and links to PDQ.

    People considering clinical trials may be interested in the NCI booklet Taking Part in Cancer Treatment Research Studies. This booklet describes how research studies are carried out and explains their possible benefits and risks. The booklet is available by calling the CIS, or from the NCI Publications Locator Web site at on the Internet.


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angeles drug los rehab

Los Angeles is known to the world for its glitz and glamor and every year, tourists flock to the beautiful sun city to experience the amazing wonder and the beauty that is evident. But, on the the other side of beauty lies an ugly monster of addition. And this is the addiction to drugs and alcohol. Neighboring countries like Mexico and Columbia have contributed to the problem because most drugs find their way through these countries. Every month substantial amounts of marijuana and cocaine find themselves in California and eventually to cities like Los Angeles. Therefore, the drug problem has given rise to Angeles drug Los rehab . This are facilities where people who find themselves caught up in the vice, can seek help.

There are many Angeles drug Los rehab that are run like spas for the exclusively rich. They have every luxurious tool that will have people recover and they ensure that the rich part with huge amounts of money for the treatment. In Los Angeles, there are many facilities for the everyday people and they can be helped in an affordable an professional way. Angeles drug Los rehabs can be public, private, non profit and Christian. Christian based rehabs incorporate the healing of patients with the word of God and other religious beliefs and principles. There are so many public rehabs and they take in a large population of people who cannot afford the private rehabilitation centers.

There are several things that Angeles drug Los rehabs consider when treating a patient. Firstly, they consider the kind of drug the patient has been taking and for how long they have taken the drug. Some patients are forced into the facility and others have to be coaxed by family members to seek help. Many of the patients do not realize they have a problem and it takes a long time before they accept in their minds that they need help. The first step to healing has always been admitting that one has a problem. Many reach the facilities only to run away or ask to go back home. Some patients leave the facilities transformed and totally recovered while other leave and fall back to their old ways.

There are very many locations running programs of Angeles drug Los rehab and some of them are Addiction Therapists of Los Angeles located in West Los Angeles. They offer out patient therapies for many who need help deal and get rid of their addition. In Los Angeles, there are gay owned rehabilitation centers for drugs and alcohol and it is a good alternative for many residents. The Clear view Treatment program is another out patient rehabilitation center in Los Angeles. These centers offer a service that enables people who had no hope rise from weakness and become better members of the society. The staff are well trained and dedicated to offer the best of medicine they possibly can. You will find a nice facility as you visit Los Angeles if you need to be helped and you will be doing this in one of the most beautiful locations in the world.

Peter Gitundu Is A Web Administrator And Has Been Researching And Reporting On Drug Abuse For Years.You Can Post Your Views On this Article On My Blog Here Angeles Drug Los Rehab Feel Free To Read My Other Articles On Drug Abuse Angeles Drug Los Rehab

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Laser Hair Removal

Laser Hair Removal in Washington DC and Northern Virginia. Laser Plus Lasertrolysis utilizes the combination of laser hair removal + electrolysis = permanent hair removal. We specialize in lasertrolysis and we do it better then anyone in the area.

Laser Hair Removal Benefits

Benefits for Women
As a woman, you may be surprised to learn that just about your entire body is covered with hair. Because most of this hair is fine and pale, it usually isn't visible to the naked eye. In fact, you may be surprised to know that the largest number of hair follicles is actually on your forehead.
But when darker, coarser hair appears in places we don't like or expect - like on the face, neck, abdomen, breasts, arms or underarms - or prevents us from wearing a high-cut bathing suit, shorts, or even a short skirt, it may be time to consider hair removal with either our LightSheerTM Diode Laser or our Altus CoolGlideTM Yag Laser.

Benefits for Men
As a man, you may already know that just about your entire body is covered with hair. Some is coarse and dark, and some is so fine and pale that it isn't visible to the naked eye. Humans, in fact, have more hair follicles per square inch than most higher primates, including chimpanzees and gorillas. Our LightSheerTM Diode Laser or our CoolGlideTM Yag Laser can remove hair from any chosen area.

Understanding Hair Removal
In the past, the usual remedies for unwanted hair were plucking, shaving, waxing or chemical depilatories. Some are painful, some are messy and all are only temporary.
For long-term hair removal, electrolysis is popular and effective but can be a slow process. Hair by hair, en current passes through a fine filament probe to destroy the hair root's ability to grow. It typically takes months or more of regular visits.
Now there's a more effective solution for all skin types at Laser Plus. Laser hair removal with the LightSheerTM Diode Laser or the CoolGlideTM Yag Laser, both state-of-the-art systems specially designed to remove unwanted hair faster, with less discomfort, and more reliably than many other methods.

Understanding Laser Treatment
A laser produces a beam of highly concentrated light. Different types of lasers produce different colors of light. The color of light produced by a particular laser is one of the keys to its effect on hair follicles.
The light emitted by the LightSheerTM Diode Laser and the CoolGlideTM Yag Laser is well absorbed by the pigment located in hair follicles. The laser pulses for a fraction of a second, just long enough to vaporize the pigment, disabling numerous follicles at a time to eliminate or significantly impede the hair's regrowth.
Importantly, both LightSheerTM and CoolGlideTM have special contact cooling hand pieces that are perfect for your skin. It protects and cools the upper layer of the skin before, during, and after each pulse while directing the laser energy to the hair root. The combination of this aggressive skin cooling and other key laser parameters allows safe and effective treatment of all skin colors.

What You Can Expect
The length of a laser session may be a few minutes to an hour or more, depending on the size of the area being treated. Because the laser tends to treat hair follicles that are in an active growth phase, more than one treatment may be required to disable hair follicles that subsequently enter this growth phase.
The laser treatment itself can cause a slight tingling sensation. Most patients tolerate the procedure well. But because some areas of the body are more sensitive than others, topical anesthesia can be an option and is available at Laser Plus.
The appearance of the treated area immediately after a laser session will vary from patient to patient depending on the extent of treatment and skin type. Immediate after effects, if any, are minor. They may include redness and swelling, which disappear in a short time. Most people return to normal activity right away. We will be happy to tell you more about your treatment and what you can expect during your FREE consultation.

What Areas of the Body can be Lasered?
The most frequently requested treatment areas by women are the upper lip, chin, underarm, and bikini line; men the back. However, virtually any area of the body with excessive hair can be lasered. Laser Plus will design a safe, comfortable and private procedure to meet your individual needs.

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