Saturday, May 16, 2009

Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation

Idaho Drug and Alcohol Addiction Problems, Laws and Substance Abuse Issues, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Methamphetamine, marijuana and cocaine continue to be widely available in Idaho. The closeness of Idaho to Canada has allowed the smuggling of clubs drugs, pharmaceutical products and marijuana. Recent seizures along the Canadian border indicate that Canada has now become a major supplier of illicit drug into the American market. The majority of the illicit drug trade is controlled by the Mexicans and Columbians. With a large scale influx of immigrants, there has also been a greater availability of crack cocaine on the steets. The drug trafficking may be on a smaller scale in Idaho, but money laundering has become big business.

Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine is readily available throughout Idaho. It is predominantly controlled by drug trafficking organizations. The powder cocaine is usually converted to crack before it is sold on the street. It is not a major threat to the entire state and only available in the inner cities. The drug is smuggled in cars, vans and campers, which usually have hidden compartments. The drug is chiefly smuggled in from Texas, California, Chicago and the Southern states. Once on the street, local gangs control the distribution of cocaine. In recent years, the crack trade has been associated with gang related violence, thefts, homicides and prostitution.

Heroin Addiction

Heroin is widely available in Idaho and it is chiefly smuggled in from Mexico. The SE variety of heroin is sometimes also available. Despite the increase in purity and cheap price, heroin abuse has been steady for the past 2 decades. The Mexican black tar heroin is typically smuggled in from California Texas, Florida and NY.

Methamphetamine Addiction

Methamphetamine abuse is increasing in the state of Idaho. Over the past decade, most of the methamphetamine was locally manufactured in clandestine laboratories. However, with the government crackdown on precursor chemicals, this has led to a demise of these laboratories. Drug seizures indicate few of these unsophisticated laboratories today. The majority of the methamphetamine is brought in from Mexico. The majority of methamphetamine is smuggled in via private cars and some is also shipped in via the US parcel services. The drug continues to be lucrative and a number of drug cartels control the trafficking and distribution of this drug in Idaho

Club Drugs

Club drugs continue to be popular among school and college students throughout the state. All types of club drugs are available in most colleges. The most common club drug abused in MDMD, but others such as PCP, GHB, and LSD are fast catching on. A large number of club drugs are smuggled in from Canada, California and New York. These drugs are favorites at night parties and at bars.

Marijuana Addiction

Marijuana continues a common drug of abuse in Idaho, it is widely grow both indoors and outdoors. Because of the large forest land, detection of marijuana farms has been difficult for law enforcement. The majority of marijuana is grown on public land and federal forest areas. In addition marijuana is also smuggled in from California and Canada. The majority of marijuana is smuggled in by the cartels. At the street levels, the drug is distributed by the Hispanic migrant workers. The Idaho panhandle area remains a major source of marijuana smuggling and law enforcement seizures indicate that the marijuana trafficking is on the increase.

Prescription Drugs Addiction

In Idaho, prescription drugs are the second most abused drug by youth. The primary methods of diversion of legitimate pharmaceuticals continues to be illegal dispensing and prescribing by physicians, illegal distribution by pharmacists, prescription forgery, doctor shopping, and drug thefts from pharmacies, nursing homes, and hospitals. Pharmacy burglaries are prevalent throughout the state and Diversion Investigators are also encountering pharmaceuticals that have been purchased via the Internet without a doctor's prescription. The abuse and trafficking of oxycodone (OxyContin®, Percocet, Percodan), hydrocodone (Vicodin, Lortab), methadone, and anabolic steroids continues to be a concern.

Money Laundering

Associated with drug trafficking is money laundering. Cash-intensive businesses, such as restaurants, bars and nightclubs, shipping industry, casinos and tourism have all at some time been exposed to “drug” money. The legislature has endorsed laws to monitor all financial exchanges and banks are required by law to notify authorities of large transfer of money.

To counteract the drug problem DEA Mobile Enforcement Teams have been established in response to the overwhelming problem of drug-related violent crime in towns and cities across the nation. In addition, DEA Regional Enforcement Teams have been developed to augment existing DEA division resources by targeting drug organizations operating in the United States where there is a lack of sufficient local drug law enforcement.

For More Information Visit here


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